About Heroin

What is Heroin

Heroin (Diacetylmorphine) is a drug synthesized from morphine (which comes from the opium poppy). Recreational use of this drug is common and it is extremely addictive. Street names for this drug are: black tar, skag, horse, smack, Junk, Evil, H, Big Boy, dog food, baby powder and brownstone to name a few.

Heroin Facts – Heroin Addiction

Used recreationally for the relaxation and euphoria it produces, it takes only weeks of repeated use for someone to become dependent on this extremely addictive drug. Tolerance to heroin increases over time and they will have to use more and more to feel the euphoria.

One day they will find they cannot get that rush no matter how large a dose. By this time they are so reliant on the drug that they keep doing it just to feel normal. Their bodies are completely incapable of functioning on their own anymore.

Heroin Facts – Method of Use

Users will most often snort or inject this drug.

A user who injects this drug will find veins easily at first but their veins collapse over time through damage caused by the acid at which time they will begin injecting into their legs, groin or neck. Anywhere they can find a vein. This also carries serious risk of contracting infections and diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis if they share needles.

It is smoked either rolled with tobacco or by heating it on aluminum foil from underneath. It becomes a “blob” which runs along the foil and the user follows it with a tube held in their mouth with the intention of inhaling the vapours. This is called “chasing the dragon”.

Items indicating usage of this drug:

* A small wooden box the height and width of a pen case and twice as thick containing equipment for injection.

*Hypodermic needles and syringes

*Burner (mini-stove or lighter)

*Copper cooker (small pan one inch in diameter) or kitchen spoon.

*Alcohol swabs, bandages, a tourniquet, cotton and a bottle of distilled water.

What to watch for

Signs of heroin use: *Track marks (needle marks and bruises on arms) from injecting


*Drowsiness or Apathy

*Respiratory depression

*Constricted pupils


*Erratic or violent behaviour (usually appears when the user craves another dose)

Heroin Facts – Dangers of Heroin Overdose

Large doses of heroin can cause fatal respiratory depression, and this drug has been used for both suicide and as a murder weapon. Used by serial killer Dr Harold Shipman.

No user ever really knows the true strength of the drug or its true contents; this is a serious overdose risk. These well known and well liked celebrities: Sid Vicious, Janis Joplin, Tim Buckley, Jim Morrison, Bradley Nowell, and Ted Binion all died from a heroin overdose. They were no different to the drug, it didn`t matter who they were just like it won`t matter who`s next. This drug can and will take anyone’s life. Don`t let it be yours.

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